Warsaw Improv Festival – warsztaty

Warsaw Improv Festival – warsztaty

Tak prezentuje się oferta warsztatowa podczas tegorocznego Warsaw Improv Festival. Jest w czym wybierać 🙂

Opisy poszczególnych warsztatów i bardziej szczegółowe informacje poniżej.


10-13 // Andy Eninger // Solo Improvisation // 150 PLN

10-13 // John Loos // Adapting Improv Exercises for Corporate Audiences // 150 PLN

14-17 // Gunter Loesel // The Play of Archetypes // 150 PLN

14-17 // Greg Hess // Mastering Group Scenes // 150 PLN

PIĄTEK 22.06

10-13 // Andy Eninger // Solo Improvisation // 150 PLN

10-17 // Patti Stiles // Creative Impulse and Narrative Intuition // 350 PLN

10-17 // Greg Hess // Advanced Long Form Technique // 300 PLN

14-17 // Mark Raterman & Brendan Jennings // Combinig scene + game // 150 PLN

SOBOTA 23.06

10-17 // John Loos // Heightening // 300 PLN

10-13 // Andy Eninger // Solo Improvisation // 150 PLN

11-13 // Krzysztof Dziubak // Radość Improwizacji // 50 PLN

14-17 // Patti Stiles // Gifts to inspire your partner // 175 PLN

10-17 // Aleksandra Markowska & Joanna Kucharczyk // Podstawy Musicalu Improwizowanego // 300 PLN

15-17 // Marta Iwaszkiewicz // Radość Improwizacji // 50 PLN


10-13 // Brendan Jennings // Big Emotion // 150 PLN

10-17 // Patti Stiles // Master Class // 350 PLN

10-13 // Mark Raterman // Finding Characters // 150 PLN

14-17 // Brendan Jennings // Emotional Show Don’t Tell // 150 PLN

14-17 // Mark Raterman // Character Gauntlet // 150 PLN

14-17 // Andy Eninger // Solo Improvisation // 150 PLN

Be brave, free your mind and take a chance on solo improvisation! Find structures for improvising monologues, weaving a solo montage and even creating multi-character scenes where you play all the characters! Discover different types of monologues and techniques for interacting with the audience. Build new ways to start a strong character. Along the way, you will uncover your own personal themes, strengths and face your weaknesses when it’s just you on stage! The ultimate challenge – but even newer improvisers can jump in. Taught by Andy Eninger, the creator of the solo improv format called the Sybil.

Does it feel like you are playing the same scenes over and over again? Do you want to find new surprises while staying true to the scene and your characters? Are you trying to jump-start your personal improv style? This workshop will inspire you to find new life and variety in your longform improvisational work ! Explore ways to heighten the scene from 3 dimensions: Character, Relationship and Environment. Using short-form methods to analyse and strengthen long-form work, you will discover new games and find the fun while staying grounded. John Loos will help you practice making bigger, bolder choices in heightening the scene while staying connected to your scene partners and honest to your character.
Have you ever been asked to do improv for your company? Or are you ready to make some money from your improv skills? This workshop helps you connect to corporations, explain why improv works, choose the right games, manage the group, and debrief activities.
  • Understand why improv improves work
  • Learn how to adapt a short-form activity to corporate audiences
  • Gain skills for leading discussions with groups to apply the learning
  • Understand corporate audiences – what they fear & love
  • Discover innovative ways to apply improvisation for fun & profit

This workshop deals with friends, enemies, lovers, mothers, mentors and other characters, and how we can use them as positions in theatre, in order to create stories that are new and old at the same time: The trick is to draw from the universal unconscious knowledge of the human, distilled through centuries of encounters with each other, but avoid stereotypes. The workshop introduces a system to compose stories using space and gestures, thus opening up infinite possibilities of encounters that are useful for spontaneous storytelling. Some questions are: Who is the ‚hero/heroine‘ and do we really need one? Which characters support a hero/heroine?
Which characters oppose the hero/heroine? How can we get beyond stereotypes? The workshop is not meant in an esoteric context, but in a very pragmatic one. It is based on the book “The Play of Archetypes” by Gunter Lösel.

In this workshop we will work on group scenes — how to play with more than two people and still do effective scene work.

Learn to work beyond using forms. Greg will teach how ensembles can create their own vocabulary of long form using pattern, edit and tone. This class is recommended for players with experience performing long form and have taken a full training program.

As improvisers we are storytellers. Our work is based on creating stories through spontaneous moments. Be it short form, long form, comedic, or dramatic the same narrative principals apply. Many improvisers learn a series of trained responses (say yes to everything) instead of developing their creative impulse and narrative intuition (what the story is, whose story is it, and craving the unknown). This master class focuses on developing creative impulse and narrative intuition while looking at some common narrative pitfalls such as why we seem to repeat the same stories and have a difficult time finding endings.

Improvisers who inspire, surprise and delight their partners are the most fun to play with. How do they do this magic? This workshop explores exercises and techniques to help you delight, surprise and inspire your partner. How to change them, affect them and watch them light up!

Patti Stiles – MASTER CLASS
Master Class is designed for the experienced improviser and is focused on providing specific feedback on the individual from an experienced outside eye. We look at strengths, patterns and habits. The aim is to bring a greater awareness of your work, provided challenges and open areas for growth.

Brendan Jennings, Mark Raterman – COMBINING SCENE + GAME
Learn to play relationship + game at the same time. In this workshop we will learn how to deepen the types of relationship scenes we are playing, making them more active and interesting — then combine it with learning how to play game from an emotional point of view. The result: a hybrid scene that combines the best of both improv techniques.

Brendan Jennings – BIG EMOTION
This class will focus on using emotion to heighten your scene work and help you find new levels to play with in your shows. “I didn’t know what to do next” or “I wasn’t sure what the scene was about” are things we’ve all said as improvisors. This class will work on simplifying scene work to easy emotional choices, focusing on the “we” on stage and building our scenes line by line thus removing the need for zany plot based scenes.

This class will work on doing less verbal work in our scenes and opening ourselves up physically and using the powerful gift of silence to enhance our scene work. Scenes will focus more on showing what we are feeling vs telling by focusing on stage picture, physicality, and using shorter more concise sentences. Turn off the writer part of your brain and move from your gut!

In this workshop we’ll explore character creation through physicality, emotional reaction and observation of people in our everyday world. Improvisers will leave with a better understanding of their own tendencies and a handful of characters they can begin to improvise through immediately.

In this workshop, we’ll create multiple distinct, believable characters with depth and humor. Improvisers will be pushed through their own discomfort in order to find new characters on the spot.

Krzysztof Dziubak, Marta Iwaszkiewicz – RADOŚĆ IMPROWIZACJI [PL]
Zastanawiałaś/eś się jak improwizatorzy wychodzą na scenę bez scenariusza i bez kłopotu zaczynają tworzyć postaci, dialog i historię? Ciekawi Cię jak można wyjść na scenę bez przygotowania i czerpać radość z odkrywania nieznanego? A może masz już doświadczenie sceniczne a chciał(a)byś poznać techniki nauczania Szkoły Impro?
Serdecznie zapraszamy na warsztat „Radość improwizacji”, gdzie bez stresu przejdziesz podstawowe ćwiczenia uczące budowania ciekawej narracji, realistycznych postaci, mięsistych relacji oraz prawdziwych emocji.

Aleksandra Markowska, Joanna Kucharczyk – Podstawy Improwizacji Musicalowej [PL]
To autorski program improwizatorki i wokalistki Aleksandry Markowskiej oraz pedagożki i pianistki Joanny Kucharczyk. Kurs obejmuje rytmikę, pracę z ciałem i oddechem, podstawy emisji głosu, śpiewanie w harmonii, trening improwizowanych piosenek solo i w duetach oraz pracę nad scenami dwójkowymi. Absolutnie koniecznym warunkiem jest przeżyty przynajmniej jeden dorosły występ z piosenką (arią) solo przed trzeźwą publicznością.

Wizualne przedstawienie godzin i miejsc warsztatów. Kliknij w obrazek, by wyświetlić pełną wersję.

Dla ułatwienia wyboru warsztatu, zostały podzielone na trzy stopnie zaawansowania:

Z tego warsztatu skorzysta każdy niezależnie od poziomu doświadczenia. Prowadzący dostosują swoje uwagi do poziomu indywidualnego.

Warsztat przeznaczony dla osób z doświadczeniem w improwizacji – uczących się lub występujących.

Warsztat przeznaczony dla najbardziej doświadczonych improwizatorek i improwizatorów. Wymagamy kilku lat doświadczenia scenicznego. UWAGA: Jeśli chcesz zapisać się na taki warsztat napisz maila z krótkim opisem swojego doświadczenia na: workshops.wife@gmail.com, aby dostać dostęp do zapisów na zaawansowane warsztaty.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.festival.warsawimprov.pl

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